Dove:- Location: ContestaRockHair
- Indirizzo: Via Ascoli Piceno, 6, 00176 Roma, Italia
- Stili: Swing
ContestaRockHair Pigneto compie 20 anni.
Con il Patrocinio del Municipio ROMA V, il salone si espande e festeggia le strade del proprio quartiere.
H 16 ● Street Heart wall painting by Solo at Primo al Pigneto
H 16 ● Dance performance by “C’è posto per te” – Club di Socializzazione del V Municipio nato nel 1999 con lo scopo di accogliere una fascia di utenti con disabilità psichica lieve
H 16 – 20 ● Pop Up Salon & Cutting Live by ContestaRockHair
H 16 – 18 ● Kids Games & Street Performance by Womart
w/ Valentina Qc – Skar Latta – Chiara Serini
H 16:30 ● Laboratorio di movimento creativo e ritmico per bambini (da 0 a 10 anni) a cura di Opificio In Movimento
H 17:30 – 19:00 ● Swing Social Dance w/ ALE G
food by Primo al Pigneto
free beer by Desperados
ContestaRockHair Pigneto turns 20.
With the sponsorship of the Rome City Hall, the 18th of October ContestaRockHair will celebrate twenty years of its Pigneto salon by promoting a day of outdoor activities – which will involve the entire community of the neighborhood – conceived as a peaceful and creative reappropriation of the street by those who work and live it every day.