JB Mino_Swing_Fever

ID Artista

Nome e attività
Jb Mino,
Stili di ballo
Charleston, Lindy Hop, Solo Jazz, Swing, Tip Tap
Valutazione degli utenti

46 Utenti hanno votato per un totale di 210 punti (media di 4.57 su 5).


Jb Mino is from La Roche sur Foron where he grew. At the age of 17 he discovers the dance and met Tatiana where they are going to learn the dance of couple together, in particular the Lindy Hop.

He begins the swing with Andy Spitz in Lyon and on a year later he meet Thomas Blacharz founder of the SwingJammerz.

This meeting changed his life because he decides to move in Montpellier to learn the Lindy Hop and how to teach. Formed by the Ninjammerz among others, he makes itself a dynamic style and entailing what allows him to win competitions everywhere in Europe.

His teaching is based on the lead and follow and on the technique. Now he’s running the SwingJammerz Assoc. and organizing workshops in Montpellier.

Bio provided by artist

—Descrizione fornita da Jb Mino


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  • Votanti: 46
  • Totale: 210
  • Media: 4,57 su 5

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Una recensione per Jb Mino

  1. Ale ha detto:

    Un super prof qu’il explique à la perfection, un super danseur et surtout un personne avec un grand cœur.

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