Martynas Stonys

consigliati da Swing Fever

Martynas Stonys ballerino Swing Swing Fever

ID Artista

Nome e attività
Martynas Stonys,
Stili di ballo
Balboa, Lindy Hop
Valutazione degli utenti

13 Utenti hanno votato per un totale di 61 punti (media di 4.69 su 5).


Martynas Stonys is a leader in the Lithuanian swing dance scene.
He combines fun, great teaching, dance technique and helps you enjoy dancing more than ever!

Martynas is one of the founders of Hoppers’ Dance Studio, which is famous for producing new Lindy Hop talents and some incredible viral dance videos on the internet.

“My one and most important goal of every class I teach is to make sure my students have great time, so they want to come back for the next one. They can’t improve if they don’t come back. I always try to make classes fun, starting with something basic, so less experienced students can catch up, and then adding more advanced movements and variations, so everyone learns something new.”

“I always make sure both leaders and followers receive the same amount of attention. Lindy Hop is a dance for two people. It is so much more fun when both partners are dancing, and not just leading or following.”

— Descrizione fornita da Martynas Stonys


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  • Votanti: 13
  • Totale: 61
  • Media: 4,69 su 5

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