
consigliati da Swing Fever

Monokings Band Swing Fever

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24 Utenti hanno votato per un totale di 115 punti (media di 4.79 su 5).


We are the Monokings and we do Rockabilly.

Our aim is to reinterpret that pure, rural, raucous sound that lies at the origins of Rockabilly, a sound difficult to define and often stereotyped.

During the RAB era (1954 – 1957), thousands of musicians, singers and groups from various musical backgrounds (from blues to cajun, from bluegrass to texas swing) gathered up their instruments and, with a hell-of-a-lot of enthusiasm and a pocketful of seemly confused ideas, launched themselves in the race to becoming the next Elvis, each producing their own personal interpretation of rock’n’roll. The result? Astonishing, ranging from desperate to polished.

The majority never reached success, many went back to their day jobs, yet thousands of regional labels ingenuously recorded, with a handful of microphones and strictly in mono, their efforts on vinyl.

This incredible rush hit the radio and also the ears of musicians among the likes of Charlie Feathers, Andy Starr, Carl Perkins, Buddy Holly who would, often in a subtle and elusive way, influence forever the future of pop music.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Andrea Fiorelli / Monokings

The band:

Andrea Fiorelli – Lead singer, Guitar

Andrea Pesaturo – Guitar

Federico Ullo – Double Bass

Danilo Petrolati – Drums

— Descrizione fornita da Monokings


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  • Votanti: 24
  • Totale: 115
  • Media: 4,79 su 5

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