Sharon Davis Ballerina Swing Fever

ID Artista

Nome e attività
Sharon Davis,
Stili di ballo
Charleston, Lindy Hop, Solo Jazz, Swing
Valutazione degli utenti

31 Utenti hanno votato per un totale di 151 punti (media di 4.87 su 5).


Sharon Davis is internationally known for her distinctive and feminine style in Lindy Hop, Charleston, Blues and Burlesque.

Australian born but now based in London, Sharon has taught and performed around the world.

She holds 1st place titles at the International Lindy Hop Championships, Ultimate Lindy Hop Showdown, National Jitterbug Championships, Canadian Swing Championships, Burlesque Hall of Fame, World Burlesque Games and has claimed numerous other awards internationally.

She is known for her dedication to the history of vernacular jazz dances and the music they evolved to.

Her classes focus on pairing dynamic connection and flow, with body awareness and quality of movement as a pathway to individual style, creativity and musicality.

With her bright and bubbly personality, Sharon’s teaching style is energetic, inspiring and fun.

She is also the director of the annual European Swing Dance Championships, and runs a London swing school called JazzMAD.

— Descrizione fornita da Sharon Davis


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  • Votanti: 31
  • Totale: 151
  • Media: 4,87 su 5

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