Arnas Razgūnas & Eglė Nemickaitė

consigliati da Swing Fever

Arnas Razgūnas & Eglė Nemickaitė Ballerini Swing Fever

ID Artista

Nome e attività
Arnas Razgūnas & Eglė Nemickaitė,
Stili di ballo
Lindy Hop, Shag, Swing
Valutazione degli utenti

21 Utenti hanno votato per un totale di 101 punti (media di 4.81 su 5).


Coming straight from the heart of Lithuanian Swing Dance scene, partnered up from the very first dance Arnas & Eglė are dancing, performing, teaching and inspiring the community at hoppers’ dance studio in Vilnius everyday.

Passion and joy for Lindy Hop & Collegiate Shag gained their name as international instructors in regular small workshops around Europe, specially in Poland, where along with SWINGOUT.PL community they inspiredCollegiate Shag scene in Warsaw and all over the country.

Rich experience in teaching every day classes grants quality and fun with clear explanation of their material by expressing swing music and yourself in it.

Arnas & Eglė are the organisers of the one and only Balboa & Shag festival in LithuaniaSwing Paradise.

— Descrizione fornita da Arnas Razgūnas & Eglė Nemickaitė


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  • Votanti: 21
  • Totale: 101
  • Media: 4,81 su 5

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