Jean Philippe Delort

consigliati da Swing Fever

Jean Philippe Delort Swing Fever

ID Artista

Nome e attività
Jean Philippe Delort,
Stili di ballo
Charleston, Lindy Hop
Valutazione degli utenti

10 Utenti hanno votato per un totale di 46 punti (media di 4.6 su 5).


 Jean Philippe started dancing Boogie Woogie since he was 10 years old.

He has trained in many different schools and as well as with Remy Kouakou Kouame.

Throughout these years of practice and with his various partners, he has defined his own style. He got noticed first nationally and then internationally.

Willing to orientate himself towards a more sociable approach of swing dances, he naturally got into Lindy Hop. Later, he studied Charleston and Balboa particularly with Anne-Helene and Bernard Cavasa.

He is a fully skilled swing dancer who spices up his dance with hip Hop. Full of energy, he is contantly in search of new ways to make his dancing evolve, always aiming at more originality and complicity with his partner.

Moreover, his dynamism has made him a well-know and appreciated teacher. Swing and Hip Hop teacher at a national level since 2006, he has been regularly called all over the world to share his passion for the past 4 years. Teacher for all levels and ages, he gathers everyone under his dancing vision: “Dance the way you are and, above all, have fun!”

Descrizione fornita dall’artista.

—Descrizione fornita da Jean Philippe Delort


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  • Votanti: 10
  • Totale: 46
  • Media: 4,60 su 5

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